Nov 19, 2009

Update :)

Its been 3 months back 2 poland, not many things happened... but just a quick update, especially for you, miss carmen...
I moved to a new place, a pretty apartment in a very nice neighbourhood. Its quite pricey and not the best location, but i LOVE it anyway. Its so much more comfortable living in my own place, compared 2 living in a super tiny room with another person in the dorm... almost ZERO privacy.... none of that now.. im living with ray and tingting, and things have been going great so far.

One of the thing i can't get used to is still the POGODA( weather in polish)!!! its getting colder... and it snowed last month! totally weird... but now is getting a little hot again, but there's really really strong wind outside now, i can hear the door making weird sound... scary... hope it doesn't fall or anything... anyway, all this weird change of weather really got 2 me, and i got sick few weeks ago, and recovered but few days after that ray got sick and i was taking care of him for a day, and i got sick AGAIN! i was having very high fever that didnt seem 2 go down, running nose and sore throat. I was so tired and all the news bout the virus made me had some thoughts... so i went 2 see a doc, fortunately, everything was fine, it was just a normal flu, had some vit C and paracetamol and i was feeling much better after a few days. Thank God!

On the 8th of November was our first year anniversary... we had plans before that, but both of us were so sick that time, we had 2 cancel it. :( hope we have the chance 2 make up for it this coming christmas break.

Abi will be going 2 uk for an interview, and after that she will be coming here and spending the holidays with me! YEAH!!!! first visit from my family... sweet... Can't wait... :)

thats all i can update for now, will be having exams next week and the week after, but after that will have more time for more update. till then... ciao!