Apr 8, 2010

Bought a Carmen 2day

Im not sure if u guys noticed, but march and april are packed with birthdays! there were 6 birthdays starting from 12th of March till the last 1, mine, on the 2nd of April, and all 5 of them are my close friends, so of course we celebrated. At the beggining it was great, i was excited, baking cakes, thinking of ideas 2 celebrate, but after the 3rd or 4th, it started to get tiring, and by the time it was my birthday, all i wanted was to rest. i had enough of birthday cakes and celebrations. But, it was the last day of school, and we were going 2 have a week of holidays for Easter, so how can i not celebrate? ;) So we went out for dinner, and then back 2 my place, and we went out for some drinks. it was almost 11pm, with a little rain and finally, after checking out 4 other pubs, which were all packed, we had a place in the 5th one. we had a few drinks and chatted for a while, and went back home at around 3am. so, that was my 21st birthday. pretty simple, but still love it and all the presents i got!

Its Easter holiday, which is the last holiday i will have till summer break, which means the last time that i can relax before finals and everything. its thursday 2day, and after hibernating at home since saturday, (I finished season 1 and 2 of "Lie To Me", all together 23 episodes and also many many episodes of CSI.. kinda scary when i think about it.) i finally decided to get out and see the world. we went 2 check out a house just a few street down my place. my friend, ting, is planning 2 move here, which is great! so i have a place 2 go if i argue with ray, and when i buy my guitar, i can go 2 his house and learn it with him. we bought him a blue guitar for his birthday, and he's learning pretty fast. wanna get mine soon... after checking out the house, we went to this nursery just opposite and check out the flowers there, they were so pretty and cheap. i was walking and looking at the names, and i saw one with the name 'Carmen', its red and pretty, so i bought it and another pretty blue 1. i know it seems a little creepy, but i hope u dont mind bu. hehe... and dont worry, i will take very good care of my Carmen. ;)

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